Kansas Surveillance Training Course - Continuing Education (16 hrs)
The Kansas CE Surveillance Course is now registered as a Continuing Education course. It has a Texas School Number: Y04175701. It will count as 16 hours (14 hours content, 2 hours ethics) toward the 8 required by Kansas when renewing your PI Registration.
This class was created for those who wish to break into the Private Investigation field, but have no Surveillance experience. Without a basic foundation in Surveillance, it can seem impossible to get hired in Texas (and probably other states as well), since most new investigators do mainly Surveillance.
Once you have a good foundation and basic skills, you stand a much better chance of getting hired on with Investigative Agencies.
Not only will you have the basic skills to begin work, but you will also have an understanding of PI employer/employee relations, Private Investigator ethics, and much more
Although this course was written for Texas, the basic Surveillance skills should apply anywhere. Remember, you should contact your own licensing agency in your state to make sure you are operating legally.
This format consists of:
300+ Training Slides
9+ Hours of Audio Narration
Over 30 Static/Mobile Surveillance Video Clips
PDF Copy of the Course Slides (no audio/video)
PDF Helpful Documents
Certificate of Completion
30 Days to Complete
Complete the course at your own rate. Work for 30 minutes or 30 hours, it's up to you. You can advance the slides when you are comfortable you've learned the material.
FAQ’S Regarding Continuing Education for Kansas Private Investigators
Licensees need 8 hours of continuing education credit accrued during the current 2 year licensure period.
K.A.R. 16-4-2. Continuing professional education requirements.
(a) Commencing December 31, 2006, each applicant for renewal of a private detective license that expires on December 31 of the year of its issuance and is renewed every two years thereafter shall have completed eight hours of acceptable continuing professional education obtained within the biennial renewal period before submitting the renewal application.
(b) For each individual whose initial private detective license is issued on or after July 1, 2004, for renewal of the license the individual shall have completed eight hours of acceptable continuing professional education before submitting the renewal application.
(c) The standards used to determine acceptable continuing professional education shall include the following:
- One hour shall equal 50 minutes of participation in a group or self-study program. One-half hour shall equal 25 minutes of participation in a group or self-study program.
- The hours devoted to actual preparation time by an instructor or speaker for formal programs shall be computed at a maximum of up to twice the number of continuing education credits that a participant would be entitled to receive.
- The hours served as an instructor or speaker shall be included to the extent that the hours contribute to the professional competence of the applicant. Repeated presentations of the same program shall not be counted unless the instructor or speaker demonstrates that the program content was substantially changed and the change required significant additional study or research.
K.A.R. 16-4-3. Continuing professional education programs; requirements.
(a) Any program designed to allow a participant to learn a given subject through interaction with an instructor and other participants either in a classroom or conference setting or by self-study may be approved for continuing education credit if the program meets the following conditions:
- The program is a formal program of learning that requires attendance and meets either of the following requirements: (A) Maintains or improves the professional competence of the applicant in providing detective business services; or (B) maintains or improves the applicant’s ability to operate and manage a detective business.
- An outline of the program is prepared in advance and provided to the applicant.
- The program is at least 50 minutes in length.
- The program is conducted by a person qualified in the subject area.
- A record of registration and attendance is retained.
The following types of programs shall qualify as acceptable continuing education if they meet the requirements of subsection (a)
- Programs offered by the Kansas Association of Licensed Investigators, the Kansas Association of Private Investigators, or any other state or national organization or association of private detectives or investigators;
- programs offered by any individual, organization, association, or commission that provides education or training in the subjects identified in paragraph (a)(1)(A) or(B);
- university or college credit courses. Each semester hour of credit shall equal15 hours of continuing education credit. Each quarter hour of credit shall equal 10 hours of continuing education credit; and
- university or college noncredit courses. These courses shall qualify for continuing professional education credit that equals the number of actual, full 50-minuteclass hours attended.

Introduction to Private Investigator Employment
*** What to Expect as a New Private Investigator
*** Can You Open Your Own Company?
*** Types of Private Investigators
Basics of Surveillance
*** Why use surveillance?
*** Types of cases
*** Before Taking the Case
*** Pre-Surveillance Client Interview
*** Pre-Surveillance Planning
*** Nature of Surveillance & Investigations
*** Single Vehicle Mobile Surveillance
*** Linear Following
*** Segmented Following
*** During Surveillance…
*** Foot Surveillance
*** Sample Mobile Video Clips
*** Static Surveillance
*** Hiding in the Vehicle
*** Dealing With Law Enforcement
*** Murphy’s Law
*** Getting Burned
*** Surveillance Equipment
*** Types of Surveillance Vehicles
*** Inside the Surveillance Vehicle
*** Surveillance Reports
*** Surveillance Forms and Contracts
*** Surveillance Requirements Expected of Employees
Employer or Employee: Which Are You?
*** Difference Between
*** What Employers Want From an Employee
*** What to Expect as an Employee
*** Pros/Cons of Employees: Owner’s Perspective
*** What are Investigator Ethics
*** Consequences of Unethical Behavior
Final Exam
*** Content Test Questions (35)
*** Ethics Questions (15)
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